Wednesday, February 4, 2009

NCFIC Inturnship

Hi Y'all,

As some of my readers know I am interning with the NCFIC ( We started on Monday with some audio editing. Yesterday I worked on a research project. I took some pictures of our office (which is still changing). Here they are.

My desk

Our room (suite #3 at 220 S. White St. Wake Forest, NC 27587)

I am having a great time! I will attempt to post some more information about each of my roommates soon! Tonight we are having dinner with the Brown Family and then we are having a church wide prayer meeting.

More to follow soon (maybe I will start posting every day or so!)



The Dischers said...

We are so proud of you, Andrew. May you glean much wisdom during this unique opportunity.

The Discher Family

The Miller Family said...

Congratulations, Andrew! What a blessed opportunity to grow in Christ while ministering in this Godly organization.

Mrs. Miller (R.G.'s mama)