Friday, September 28, 2007

Pictures of my birthday

Hi all, I said earlier that I would post some pictures of my birthday. Here they are!

Breakfast with Mamaw and Papaw

Getting ready to shoot my shotgun

Selecting a shot shell



Fire (note the shot string)

A good day at the range

(actually Mamaw did not want to wear one. But Papaw and I took care of that!)

I love you Mamaw and Papaw!


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Here are some pictures of my littlest Bubba (Timothy)!

Helping water tomatoes.

Picking! (with permission)

Into the basket!

Thank you Bubba,


Fungicidal soap

Hi all,

Here is a recipe for fungicidal soap that I have used in my garden this year. I used a spray bottle instead of a hand sprayer to apply it in my garden. To do this I put one (1) gallon of water in a bucket, added the ingredients and poured it in to the spray bottle. It worked well for me! Tip: use a funnel when pouring out of the bucket.

Fungicidal (black spot remedy)

In hand sprayer mix:

1-2 Tbs baking soda

1-2 Tbs soap

1-2 Tbs veggie or olive oil

Fill to top with water. Do not spray in the heat of the day.

The recipe came from On this site they have other organic recipes for your garden.


Real ID

Hi all, Today I have a very important question. Is this America? Or is it a socialist/communist country? Well you can answer the question for yourself after reading these excerpts from a CNN news article.

(CNN) -- Americans may need passports to board domestic flights or to picnic in a national park next year if they live in one of the states defying the federal Real ID Act. The act, signed in 2005 as part of an emergency military spending and tsunami relief bill, aims to weave driver's licenses and state ID cards into a sort of national identification system by May 2008. The law sets baseline criteria for how driver's licenses will be issued and what information they must contain.

The Department of Homeland Security insists Real ID is an essential weapon in the war on terror, but privacy and civil liberties watchdogs are calling the initiative an overly intrusive measure that smacks of Big Brother.”

More than half the nation's state legislatures have passed or proposed legislation denouncing the plan, and some have penned bills expressly forbidding compliance.”

A little further down.

“It also requires all 245 million license and state ID holders to visit their local departments of motor vehicles and apply for a Real ID by 2013. Applicants must bring a photo ID, birth certificate, proof of Social Security number and proof of residence, and states must maintain and protect massive databases housing the information.”

At the end of the article.

“Chertoff said there would be repercussions for states choosing not to comply.

“‘This is not a mandate," Chertoff said. "A state doesn't have to do this, but if the state doesn't have -- at the end of the day, at the end of the deadline -- Real ID-compliant licenses then the state cannot expect that those licenses will be accepted for federal purposes.’”

This ID card is another step toward the one world government and the mark of the beast spoken of in the book of Revelation. All Christians should pray that this is not enforced.

Here is what Will Grigg has to say about the real ID act.

“Will Grigg's Liberty Minute August 23, 2007

After next May, if you live in a state that has rejected the Federal Real ID act, you will be required to obtain a passport to board an airliner, visit a national park, or conduct business anywhere a federally approved ID is required.

As a growing number of states reject the Real ID program, Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff insists that “if a state doesn't have ... Real ID-compliant licenses then the state cannot expect that those licenses will be accepted for federal purposes.”

It's entirely possible that Washington will put additional teeth in that threat by requiring Real ID-compliant states to reject unapproved driver's licenses. This would make freedom of travel impossible.

What all of this means, in principle, is that the federally approved state driver's licenses required under the Real ID Act amount to an internal travel passport. Although common in totalitarian countries like the old Soviet Union, travel papers are completely foreign to our traditions, history, and principles.

Let us take back the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free.”

This is from his blog:

May all of us stand against tyranny in our day as our forefathers did.

For God’s glory,
