Here are some pictures from our vacation in FL. We got back yesterday late in the evening. We had a great 10 days out! I will be posting pictures over the next few days. These are from the "Shell Pile" at the Parker's house and museum. Dr. Gary Parker and his wife Mary hold several Creation Education Vacation (CEV) work shops throughout the year. We went to one of these 6 day trips. We found lots of fossils! Back to the shell pile, these are fossil shells from a shell pit which the Parker's had trucked in for the CEV classes. We found lots of interesting shells. Including some with organic material left on them...Hum...That is a real problem for those who believe in millions of years! LOL
I was waiting on a post from your trip, looks like you had fun!
Looks like you guys had fun!
yes we had a great time! More pictures to come!
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