Monday, July 14, 2008

Who is out there?

Who is reading my blog? I am trying to decided what to do. Attempt to post more or leave it alone for a while... Please comment?! even if you read by a feed.



Walter said...

I'm here!!


Stephanie Cosby said...

Well I like reading your blog, but I know how busy you are so if you don't have time, you don't have time! So I think you should do what ever you want.


Amanda said...

As my dad would say I'm not all there but I am here

Rhonda said...

I am here everyone in a while. About once a week. Which means I keep up with everything you post. :)

liberty said...

And I'm here every once in a while.

Esther said...

Ditto the above, I check it out sometimes.


The Knight of Rook said...

I read

Michelle said...

ME here!

Anonymous said...

We read your blog through google reader, so keep posting! Enjoyed your sermon! Keep that up too!

The Discher Family

carlinuxlearner said...

I read off and on, every week or two.


R said...

Hey man,
Ain't heard from you in ages. How y'all doin way up there? I just checked back in, I have just restarted doing my blog again. I like what I see on yours. Keep it up.

Deo Vindice.
Sic Semper Tyrannis!

For Christ, Kirk, and the Southland.