Tuesday, September 21, 2010

2010 Haiti Trip Report #1

Hi Y'all,

This post is over due. I am planning to write out the story of my trip
over the next couple of weeks. In future posts I will be including
pictures and video from the trip.

The Lord truly blessed my time in Haiti. He used it to grow my
understanding and wisdom. In some ways I feel that I gained more from
my trip than I was able to give out.

The projects which were completed include inspecting the shelters
which our church had sent down. Shane and I gave two tents to widows
in a tent city. Finally, we helped complete construction on an

In this post I will be completing the story of my trip into Haiti.

Due to our flight in Chicago being delayed, we missed our flight from
Miami to Port-Au-Prince. There was not another flight until the next
day. Mr. Ison had a friend who was staying in Miami over night. He was
able to find a family for us to stay with.

We went out to eat with our host family. They took us to a Cuban

restaurant (they were Cuban). It was not only wonderful food but also
it helped introduce me to some of the dishes that were similar to what is served in Haiti.

It was a wonderful lesson in the Lord taking care of his servants. As
ought to be expected, He continued to do this throughout the rest of
the trip.

We then slept for a few hours and went to the airport and left for Haiti.

In my next post I will be recounting my entrance into Haiti, and my
first day on the ground.

Sir Valiant